Close up image of an individual holding an iPad displaying the Field Health feature on the Climate FieldView app while standing over a wheat field Close up image of an individual holding an iPad displaying the Field Health feature on the Climate FieldView app while standing over a wheat field Close up image of an individual holding an iPad displaying the Field Health feature on the Climate FieldView app while standing over a wheat field

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Data 

November 29, 2022

Ever wondered how FieldView™ can improve your farming? Well, just like any other system or machine, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out. Your tractor needs quality fuel and oil to run smoothly, and your digital farming platform needs high quality data to help you make the most of it. The good news is there are a few easy steps you can take to maintain and optimize your data and take your farming to the next level.

What makes FieldView such an effective tool?

We get asked this all the time, and the answer is really quite simple. Essentially, FieldView works so well because it uses your own field data to help you formulate plans for future seasons. This key function is what motivates our own team to continually improve FieldView functionality, and make it easier to gather, process and act on your unique farm data.

With that in mind, here are a few of the tips and tricks we’ve picked up along the way that can help you maintain the integrity of your data and get more from your fields, year over year. Check them out.

1 Verify and/or update your field boundaries

When it comes to assessing your field performance, it’s really best to color inside the lines. After all, if your field boundaries are inaccurate, your end-of-season yield analysis might go off the map as well, leaving you little insight to improve your strategy for the coming seasons.

Moving image of a laptop tracing a field on the Climate FieldView application.

2 Utilize the data you already have

Graphic image of a hand holding a data that can be integrated to uncover greater knowledge

Your field data has no expiration date, which is why it’s always a good idea to upload any previous or missing data. All it takes is a couple clicks in your data inbox and you’ll have all the information you need—past and present—right at your fingertips. It’s also important to log your information correctly. For example, entering the generic name of a hybrid/variety won’t provide the same level of detail or insight compared to using the actual name of the specific hybrid/variety. While it’s best to accurately log your data as you go, you can also retroactively enhance or correct this info using the “Fix Data” option. These steps are essential for evaluating your hybrid/variety performance, test strips, planting density trials and countless other tests you might run in your fields.

3 Ensure everything’s up-to-date

Graphic image of a the Climate FieldView CabApp logo to signify up to date data

One of the best parts about using digital tools is that they’re always improving. That’s why it’s important to ensure all of your software and hardware are operating properly to make the most of improved features and new capabilities that can make your workload more efficient—and fulfilling.

4 Calibrate and connect your devices

Graphic image of tractor covering a field

Don’t risk crossing wires, even in a cloud-based platform. Before conducting any trials, it’s best to ensure that all your equipment is configured for accurate readings, such as properly calibrating your combine for grain flow, moisture, or other criteria. Furthermore, we recommend CloudSyncing all your compatible devices to enable an uninterrupted flow of data between them.

5 Share your success

Graphic Image of Climate FieldView data entrusted by a lock to signify security

With FieldView, you’re always in control of your field data. So before you share it with any of your trusted agronomic partners, it helps to review your sharing settings to ensure that you’re granting the right access to the right people.

Put your field data to work for you

FieldView keeps us accountable to our goals and aspirations. For some, that means highlighting where they succeed throughout the season. For others, it helps identify opportunities for improvement during their day to day. Regardless of how you use it, data integrity is the key to accomplishing more through your work. Because ultimately, nothing is more valuable than being able to run your own experiments on your farm to glean accurate insights about precisely what your operation needs in order to grow.