Five Ways FieldView Can Save You Time During Growing Season

by Andrew Starr, FieldView Writer & Content Manager, The Climate Corporation

August 18, 2020

With the rush of planting in the side view mirror, attention has quickly turned to keeping track of the health and progress of crops across your operation.

No rest for the weary, right?

We have a few suggestions that can help save you some time this summer — which hopefully turns into enjoying more time with family and friends. We assembled this quick list of FieldView™ tools that are designed to help you effectively monitor conditions in your fields and efficiently target areas of concern.

How to Use FieldView During Growing Season:

1 Monitor for Possible Yield Threats

Use field health imagery in FieldView — including vegetation, scouting and true color maps — to track in-season crop health. The maps provide a color index to help you determine which areas may be in need of attention. You can also import and review drone imagery from providers that collaborate with FieldView to keep your field information in one place. Lastly, you can create field regions reports to monitor certain zones, such as an area with delayed emergence.

Monitor for Possible Yield Threats image

2 Track Field Conditions and Determine Application Timing

Monitor crop progress by navigating to the field health imagery grid view page, and sort by high biomass on the vegetation tab to help identify which fields are progressing and ready for spraying. You can also view field conditions like wind speed and other weather data on all of your mapped fields to help determine application timing.

Track Field Conditions and Determine Application Timing image

3 Create Spray Reports

Capturing as-applied maps or static-rate maps from your application provider is seamless if you opt to share your FieldView account with your provider. Using this data, you can build PDF reports for things like cost-splitting or compliance, and share the report via email or text message. If you’d like to run an application trial, FieldView can help with that, too.

Create Spray Reports image

4 Share Easily with Your Scouting Team

With FieldView, you can share the location of a field and drop scouting pins with precise GPS information as well as insert comments and images. Or, have your scouting team enter information right into your account for immediate access. As always, you control sharing on your account and who has access.

Share Easily with Your Scouting Team

5 Keep Tabs on the Weather for Each Field

View built-in radar, weather forecasts, season-to-date rainfall and the 10-year weather history.

Keep Tabs on the Weather for Each Field

Get the Inside Scoop: Quick Tip Videos

Watch tips on how to use FieldView all season on our YouTube channel and get set up for success with FieldView.

Thanks for dropping by today. I hope you’ve learned a little more about how FieldView can help put some time back in your summer season. If any questions came up, you can always reach us at 1-888-924-7475, chat with us here on, or email

About the Author

As a writer and content manager at The Climate Corporation, Andrew Starr has a passion for helping farmers understand and benefit from the growing world of digital farming. He holds a master’s degree from Webster University and a BSBA from the University of Missouri - St. Louis. Connect with Andrew on Twitter at @andrew_starr_.