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Create a fertility or crop protection management plan to manage field variability

Stay on top of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, and lime management as well as changing field conditions all season long.

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Climate FieldView™ For Optimization: Use our scripting tool to create management zones

Optimize inputs by zone

Build a customized fertility or crop protection plan to get the most out of your yield variability with easy-to-use prescription tools for fertility, fungicide and herbicide.

Manage fertility prescriptions year round

Variable rate fertility prescriptions can be customized by zone and product rate. View and edit your customized zones to maximize your fertility plan.

Crop protection scripting

Quickly address changing crop conditions in season with variable rate crop protection scripts. You can use multiple map layers, such as field-level satellite imagery, to identify management zones.

Go in-depth on all the features and capabilities of this powerful digital tool

Use scripting tools to avoid a costly fertilizer shortfall or manage changing crop conditions with crop protection.

Get Your Data In One Place

Data connectivity

Collect, view, and store your current and historic field data to help make field data management